Tuesday 5 March 2013

Just a little time to get to know the other me!

50 facts About Me!

Now because there are two of us writing this blog, I also thought I would do a 50 facts post so you get to know us equally!

1. I have an extremely complicated life
2. I live in 4 different places
3. I think I have really weird ears
4. I am 5ft 2" (last time I checked)
5. Ant and Dec are my favourite TV presenters
6. Like Soph, I love to tidy
7. Organisation is my special talent
8. I avoid using the oven...
9. ...due to my fear of setting the house on fire (yes I am aware this is stupid)
10. I also have some very bad phobias involving medical instruments / equipment
11. I have a dog

12. My Dad is having an operation on Friday
13. I once managed to spend £60 on making a cake! - Don't ask!!!!
14. I like to plan very far in advance
15. I am single
16. The last concert I went to was Capital's Jingle Bell Ball in London avec la blogmate - it was amaze!
17. I hate fruit and vegetables
18. I am an even fussier eater than Soph
19. I used to think different shaped pasta tasted different!!!
21. On Friday I made my friend's cat a birthday card
22. I have too much spare time (clearly)
23. I will not swim in cold water (i.e the British sea)
24. I am a bit of a princess...

25. ...in the sense that I can be rather demanding and dramatic
25. I wish I was in a girlband
26. I wear contact lenses
27. Zoella is my favourite blogger / youtuber I LOVE HER
28. I get over excited very very quickly
29. My voice can get extremely loud if I want it to
30. My favourite album ever is Adele 21
31. Her cover of "To Make You Feel My Love" makes me cry
32. I also love Ed Sheeran
33. The Proposal is one of my favourite movies ever
34. I am slightly obsessed with internet shopping
35. I miss la blogmate TONNES and wish I saw more of her!
36. I am so excited for summer so I can be with her for more than one day!

37. She might kill me for putting that photo on here (she says "it's rancid")!!!!!!!
38. I am so unfit...
39. ...however I will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro this summer!! EEK!!
40. I often wish my life was a musical (come on how much fun would that be just imagine?!?!)
41. My ideal lazy day would be to eat ice cream, watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Marilyn Monroe movies in my trackies / pjs.
42. I bloody hate maths
43. The South African accent is my favourite accent ever
45. If something is 'miniature' that means I will (most likely) automatically find it cute
46. If I could be bothered I would paint my nails a different colour every day
47. My "girl crush" has got to be Katy Perry

48. My dream celebrity husband is Eddie Redmayne

49. C-H-O-C-O-H-O-L-I-C and proud (seriously the doctor told me I had a sugar addiction once)
50. I am so glad we started this blog and I really hope you're all enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it!

Minka x


  1. aw your dog is so cute! great blog :)



    1. Oh thank you that's such a compliment! We're glad people are actually reading it! x
